Improve Your Gymnastics

This class is applicable to every skill level from “I can’t do a push-up yet.” to “I want to perfect my pull-up cycling”. Just like with the rest of CrossFit, we will meet you at any level you are. The class will focus on teaching you skills step-by-step while at the same time help you increase your strength.

Some of the skills which are taught in the class are the gymnastic kip, pull-ups, handstands, ring muscle ups, handstand push-ups, bar muscle ups, toes to bar, core control, and much more!

The class lasts one hour. You can expect a warmup, about 30 minutes of skill and strength development, as well as a short practical application session. You will do some drills and routines “on the clock” as well as a short workout to put in practice what you learnt. This class is targeted at improving your gymnastic skills in order to increase your efficiency and intensity during the CrossFit WODs.

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Training Offer

Fundamentals Course
Start CrossFit Training Confidently
CrossFit Class
Reach Peak Fitness With CrossFit
Personal Training
The Time for Change Is Now
Team CrossFit Class
The Most Fun Workout of the Week
Oly Class
Improve Your Olympic Weightlifting
Gymnastics Class
Improve Your Gymnastics
Advanced Class
Getting Ready to Compete
Open Gym
Practice What You Learnt